Building Bridges

with Members experiencing Doubt

Building Bridges with those experiencing doubt (PowerPoint)
Notes for Building Bridges presentation
The PowerPoint presentation is complete with notes which are found under each slide when you open PowerPoint in Normal mode. But you cannot see them when you are in Slide Show mode. Therefore, I've included the file entitled, "Notes for Building Bridges presentation". Save that file and/or print it for reference. You are certainly welcome to use your own script.

Bridges Leadership Assessment
The Bridges Leadership Assessment file is from David Ostler, author of the book, Bridges, Ministering to those who question. Slides 37 & 38 of the presentation come from this document. It contains many other thought provoking questions which you may wish to review and discuss in bishopric, ward and stake council, presidency, or other meetings.

Stand Forever
Stand Forever is a talk given by Elder Lawrence Corbridge at BYU in 2019. Elder Corbridge was given the assignment to become familiar with all materials that disparage or attack the church. His insights put everything in perspective.

Thoughts on Faith Crisis by Jerel Lindley
Finally, I have included some Thoughts on Faith Crisis by Jerel Lindley which I found very helpful, particularly as you have subsequent meetings with members experiencing doubt.